About The Poem – Inner Eyes Blind

How does one feel when all life is spent on one thought, and seen only one face in everything wonderful and heard only what needs to be heard and all united stands and kaboom all gone when love no longer is yours? Yup, that’s the thought that triggered this poem. The very last line was taken from one of my older poems called “Reading Poems” as is. Enjoy.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Mariah Krafft on Unsplash

On Another Note:
The greatest achievement of life is when one attains a level of freedom from everything and then yearns to bind it all together with love, for love, and by love. It is not easy, but it will happen once in a lifetime and one better be ready at ease to deal with it. Every human has the right to dream and work to fulfill those dreams that’s the fundamental freedom. It is a lifelong event and I am at the beginning of it.

Little Boss, I recently watched the episodes of T.V series in Turkish called Çalıkuşu (means Lovebird spoken as Jalikusu) it is a romantic show about an orphan girl. I have seen the actor who acted in it from another show and this show has better subtitles. In a nutshell, Lovebird and her cousin (Muslims are allowed to marry cousins) are in love from a very younger age they go through many hardships to keep loving and get married. There is a point at which Lovebird declines to say yes to the proposal due to some serious family politics. Right after that the guy, a doctor goes through a spiral of weird acts, He goes and waits near her school dorm, goes and beats up a man who employes her as a private tutor for his daughter, slashes the tires of her bike, etc. Seeing all these I said.. “daang I am a very decent man, I never even went to any of the chain stores my Little Boss worked for months until I was very sure in which store she works, to avoid any confrontation that will make her feel uneasy. I never even mentioned her name in my writings. I was still called a stalker (LMAO)”… in the show, Lovebird still agrees to marry him. Maybe the doctor got six pack abs and value in the society. hehehe, I laid back and sat and said again, “I will never bother her with my love as the flames of my love I will pray to keep eternally.” I took a sigh and continued… “Little Boss is not Lovebird she is my Lady Mac” I laughed and said again “Lady Mac sounds better than Little Boss”.

About The Poem – The Defeated Lover.

The Defeated Lover… the name was taken from a real life situation. There is a long long story behind it. I don’t have to repeat what is said again and again. But these days, I have learned to be a better man than the cursing, revenging moron I used to be. The best part was I have forgiven myself. Then I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Read the poem you will learn more.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

On Another Note:
The vagueness of life exists in every aspect of living. There are times when unreal gives me more comfort than anything real. Thoughts, ideas, dreams, and many times actions based on all those become the result of an unreal catastrophe. In the middle, I stand and dismiss one by one all those unreal, and then I became an empty canoe in a stormy ocean of love.

Little Boss, read this poem, you are the only one who can understand this poem completely.
Now let me tell you something. In the show Magnificent Century, there is a tough situation when the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman orders the execution of his friend from childhood days, prime minister, and commander of his armies Pargali Ibrahim. Suleiman’s son Mustafa grew up in the hands of Ibrahim, Mustafa a fully grown-up man comes to the Sultan and politely asks his father why would he order the execution of Ibrahim. Sultan Suleiman whom I don’t consider a magnificent Sultan says something very wise… hmmm at least the writers of the show wrote these wise words.. he says “Mustafa, my lion son, Power is a shirt made with fire, if you can wear it with loyalty, it will protect you and destroy your enemies. However, if you get carried away with pride… and lose yourself in desire, then that shirt will burn you to ashes.”. When I heard that, I smiled and the image that came to my mind was you standing in front of me in anger in that mall. I said, “It is love” yes, it is love Little Boss… I modified it appropriately “My darling Little Boss, Love is a cloak made with fire, if you wear it with loyalty, sincerity, and honesty, it will protect you, your heart, and brings happiness that will last many lifetimes here on Earth and hereafter. However, if you get carried away in the pride of youth, age, looks, and desires… you will lose not just yourself, you will lose the world and everything beyond and then that cloak becomes a burning coffin that will burn you alive, again and again… a neverending nightmare.”. I am not saying Love is a nightmare or will become a nightmare, I am saying it is not as easy as you may think. You know what you felt every time you visited my sites for years. I apologize if even with what I just wrote I offended any feelings of yours, that is not my intention but I still may have to say it. I only have prayers for you to be blessed.

About The Poem – Sadness At Dusk.

This poem needs no contextual explanations.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Dimitry Zub on Unsplash

On Another Note:

     A horrible heatwave is going on around. I went to see a baseball game earlier today. The Brewers won but the heat really got on to me. I felt like I was in Kerala. Speaking of which, daang the whole state of Kerala is in a lockdown situation because of covid. Praying for all the suffering to end as soon a possible.

Little Boss, here is the story of Madhubala. Here life history can be found in this Link. But her connection to fellow actor Dilip Kumar was spoken about with many gossips and rumors. Yes, there were serious issues with her temper but that was not the issue in actor Dilip Kumar leaving her and not marrying her. She couldn’t have any children as she suffered from ventricular septal defect (a hole in her heart). Dilip Kumar later went on to marry Zaira Banu and they never had any children at all. As for Madhubala, when she was bedridden her hope was Dilip Kumar will visit her. Unfortunately, he never visited her and she passed away at the age of 36. It was a tragic life from top to bottom. One of the prettiest ladies ever lived died alone broken-hearted, just because of the choices of other people. Life is not an easy boat to use to cross the time that was given to us. Sometimes what seems unpleasant may be the best of the best in the overall sea of time. I am not a good advocate for my own love. But I live with that reality of my love for you. Think again, as the only person through which the said words can be taken back is me. I will wait with hopes.

About The Poem – The Murderer

Read every poem I ever wrote to understand who that little boy was… Then you will understand why I wrote this poem.

Here is the link to the Poem.

Photo by Ali Pazani on Unsplash

On Another Note:
I fasted for a month during Ramadan.. I added 4.5lbs. Then after than in 3 weeks, I lost 16lbs. Very laughable isn’t it? Well, that’s how the whole life is going on. Figure out the rest.

Little Boss, a long time back a Sufi Dervish (Sufism is a mystic form of Islam, and people who follow Sufism are called Dervish) he was going on a journey pretty much in the cause of God. Unfortunately, this Dervish fell in a big well and it will be a big struggle to get out of there. The Dervish said, “Oh, God, I took this journey in your cause and I fell, now you take me out of here as I am not going to try to get out of here at all”. He sat in the dry well and days passed, then it became weeks. After more than forty days, a creature the Dervish have never seen or heard about came around the well and lifted him out, he thought, “Oh, this is probably my end” to his surprise, the creature didn’t hurt him, it left him beside the well and ran away.
I think you got my point.

About The Poem – The Fallen Romantics

When all one gets is an empty nest one will search for meanings in meaningless places. Well, that’s where the thoughts about this poem started. Months and months of waiting and any action that is possible can only happen based on another person’s actions… and nothing happens. I guess you understand the situation. Now read the poem.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by shahin khalaji on Unsplash

What can I say, I have gone through worse in life? Nope, this is it. There is always a learning curve and these lessons are brutal. Let tomorrow decide what is in store. I am not good at predicting and I am not good at listening to voices I can never hear. All I got good at is listening to the silence and walking through dark alley roads. It is not very pleasant but the choices in front of me are not made by me.

Little Boss, my Mahidevran (The name means one who is always beautiful)…I love you.

The Lover You Love.

I will take a welcome back… aha a break was needed from myself. I am now slowly getting back to my normal, even though lot more things should fall into place to feel that normal fully.

As for the poem, it was written from a fragment I wrote for an Instagram post. It is pretty much self-explanatory.

Writing fragments of poems has an issue with me. The unfinished part or untouched part will remain in me and at some point, I have to write it down and burn it or expand the fragment into a full poem. This is one of the expansions.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Ilias Chebbi on Unsplash

Personally speaking, a lot of rest and pretty much nothing else. There are certain things I am not going to reveal yet. Now I have to tell about “Magnificient Century” I wish everything about that series was fictitious, unfortunately nope. There are fictitious characters and events in that series but my reading these days is mostly about the Empires. Greek, Rome, Ottoman, British, etc. Which of course took me to some fantastic events in the past. Then I stumbled upon Kosem Sultan which led me to see an interesting name I saw “Mahidevran”. Now I am writing my on fiction around that character. Kosem Sultan and Mahidevran were real people who lived centuries ago. In it all there is a point at which I said with a lot of touchy emotions.. what the hell were they all thinking? I wish I were able to talk to them… however I don’t know if I will even meet Kosem Sultan even in after life for what she had done in her life after the death of her husband. As for Mahidevran I may stand up in respect to anyone with that name as the life of her was just that much amazing.

Little Boss, I told you I will never get bored. I can never get bored and even when I was reading and watching the lives of people centuries ago and laughed, felt sad, and enjoyed every bit of life in the best possible way I can with the means given to me by Allah, I still with every breathe prayed for you, your well-being and happiness. May Allah Smile Upon You Always.

Mahidevran Hatun.

About the character of my upcoming poem.

Painting of Mahidevran Hatun

Mahidevran Hatun (Hatun means Lady). Popularly known these days as Mahidevran Sultan. This is not a fictional character or a living real character, this is someone who passed away 440 years ago. Interesting isn’t it? Why would someone even think about a lady who was born in the year 1500? Her life. I saw a series called Magnificent Century – Kösem the story about one of the most powerful ladies in the Magnificent Century era of the Ottoman Empire. Well, the so-called Magnificent Century started almost 100 years before the arrival of Kösem Sultan into the Ottoman empire. It started with Hurrem Sultan. So after watching the fictionalized version of Kösem Sultan’s story, I went back a bit to know more about Hurrem. When I started watching that part it started with Sultan Sulieman coming to take the throne as the emperor of the Ottoman Empire. By that time he already had a lady, Mahidevran, and a son with her, a boy called Mustafa who was 5 years old at that time. That part was viciously fictionalized with jealous rages and fights between Mahidevran and Alexandra who later converts to Islam and become Hurrem. The acting of Nur Fettahoğlu maybe the trigger point in me following not the heroine. But I started researching who this character was historically. That’s where the goose chase started there is hardly any information I can get my hands on about this lady.

An early painting of Mahidevran

Not a lot of people know about her birthplace or early life. But the best and realistic information I got surprised me further. Mahidevran was born to an Albanian Musician who was a Muslim and from early information available she was married to then Prince Suleiman when she was 12 years old. At the age of 15 she gave birth to their first born Prince Mustafa. I wondered what the hell this little girl was doing in the princely harem of an Ottoman Province?

An early painting of a young Mahidevran

Okay, now we need more explanations, what is a harem? In those days, slavery was widespread in Europe and middle east. people of nobility as well as rulers have harems filled with these slaves. The slaves are subjects or properties which they can own and use. They don’t have much rights and any children are directly owned by their masters. So these Sultans don’t have to marry them so they buy these slaves/concubines from European slave markets and bring them to the harem in the topkapi palace in Istanbul. Mahidevran as we know now was not a slave even though in the show she is called a slave. There were bitter rivalry between Mahidevran and Hurrem in the early days… but as even the Sultan is forbidden to speak about the harem no one knows what all happened in there. There were Venetian reports which were nothing but National Enquirer type gossips in those days about Mahidevran beating and scratching the face of Hurrem. But many Turkish historians disputed these claims as Mahidevran lived at the Topkapi palace until Mustafa was old enough to go for administrative training in a province.

Here is where Mahidevran’s life changed for the better. The so-called abandoned wife of Suleiman raised a boy who became a sensation wherever he went as he was loved by the army, people, ladies all around the empire. His popularity is exactly was the scheaming lady Hurrem used against him and fabricating evidence that he is organizing a revolt against the Sultan, Hurrem requested Prince Mustafa to be executed and the henpecked Sultan obliged.

This didn’t go well for Mahidevran and Mustafa’s family. Mustafa was only known to have one concubine his oldest was a girl the second child was a 5 year old boy. The boy also was executed by strangulation. The girl Nargis Shah was taken away and married away to some old man. Mahidevran’s life fell apart as she moved to Bursa where her son was buried. People in Bursa taunted her and anyone who helped her. She was neck deep in debt with no money to even pay rent. After Hurrem died in 1558 things got a little better. By the order of Sultan Suleiman, his son Selim paid off Mahidevran’s debts and bought her a house and allowed an income. Mahidevran never lived the life of a Sultana. She lived the rest of her life in prayers near her son’s grave. After Sultan Suleiman passed away, Selim became the Sultan and he built the mausoleum of Prince Mustafa. All the children Sultan Suleiman had in Hurrem died one after the other and Mahidevran outlived all of them, Mahidevran passed away in 1581 at the age of 81 living a long life in the standards of those times. She was buried in the mausoleum of her son.

It is going to take a significant effort to write about this character. I am going to take a much modern approach to write this. In my busy life, I am estimating approximately a year to finish this project. Don’t you all know.. I love writing especially about heartbroken people whose life in some way resonate with mine.