About The Poem: The Sprouting Romantic Dream

A very simple poem that I wrote looking at the images of a lady who like I said in the poem .. through her simplistic beauty and charm gave me a feeling of unwavering attachment. This poem was an expression of what I felt.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Karina Tess on Unsplash

On Another Note:
Sometimes it takes time for a dream to come after someone I dreamt off dies in the heart. Well, it didn’t take much time and effort. This girl is younger than the previous one and not a betraying type. So happiness comes for the good of us.

About The Poem: Waiting For A Bell To Ring.

I have a friend who is a cancer patient. She is undergoing all kinda treatments for the disease. She is not in remission and her family and friends are in constant prayers for her. She recently wrote a post in which she talked about this gong people ring when they leave the facility once they have remission. And how much she wishes to ring that gong. The idea for this poem came from her post.

Here is the link to the Poem.

Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash

On Another Note:
I recently had a health scare… when that happens everyone will think about all the things that can go wrong. Luckily with over 279lbs and a big belly, I am fine, all vitals look good. In the end, I needed a little more blood that’s all.
Time flies by fast and we will no longer be able to fly all the time. When that’s not possible even with the help of a walking stick we keep going. That’s who we are.

About The Poem – Broken Hearted Men Never Weeps.

In the world of romance, men suffer most when a relationship breaks down. Especially these days women just use men as stepping stones breaking their hearts and walk away. I have met many men like that and they all have one thing in common. They never cry like many women who get their hearts broken do. But the truth is men do suffer. This poem came out from those thoughts.

Here is the link to the Poem.

Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash

On Another Note:
Oh’, boy, yeah, I said that many times. Sometimes the paths one may take can go longer than one can imagine. But you know what I am not eager to live my whole life in 1 day, or a week, or a month or even a year. I recently prayed… “Oh’, Allah, give me 120 more years so that I can be all that makes you satisfied with me.”. I hope I will get it.
In 2005 I had a serious crush on a girl and I admit it… I liked a much younger girl at that time. Her paths were not great so I warned her… you are on your way to becoming a prostitute. Now you all know how that relationship ended. Recently I saw her almost topless in a picture she posted as a promotion for her music or show or whatever. I regretfully said… “I told you so”.
In 2016 I met another girl I thought is a wonderful soul. She turned out to be a betraying one. The problem with these kinda girls is, that they won’t stop with one betrayal, they will repeat it. The poor guy who married her, maybe he is an asshole who deserves her. Who knows… maybe after some years after seeing or hearing something about them I will say “I told you so”.

Happy Easter

I say that to people who believe in Easter. There is always that question that comes from people when they hear that I studied in a Catholic School, I was born and raised in a place filled with Christians. I moved to America where Christianity is the majority religion. Why do I still follow Islam? I never said I don’t believe in the Isa Alayhissallam the Son Of Mary. I have gone through many works of literature, watched 100s of videos, and documentaries, and heard debates… There is that belief in me that said… Jesus never existed in the way Christians believe. If I sit down and spent a considerable amount of time I will be able to bring out the documents and information about this. However, I watched a documentary that says exactly what I’ve known for many decades. Watch these documentaries in full before throwing curse words at me.

Ceasar’s Messiah

Pagan Christ


Understand this… there is information that is still out there that may lead us to the real man whom we in Islam call Isa (Alayihissalaam(May Allah Bless Him)) son of Mary. Or it may be hidden for divine reasons which I don’t know. The truth is between darkness and light. What is hailed as a religion is a mirage.

I still say Happy Easter… away from all the religious acts, this day is still a celebration. It doesn’t matter, of what. Happy Easter to you all.

About The Poem – The Unwritten Lullaby.

A poem written about the pain of the lover who was abandoned by his lover and what he prayed as a blessing now hurts him as a never-ending curse. His art, his happiness, his anger, his sadness all filled with that curse or to say, the memory of her. However, when beauty of everything is lost in that curse, life finds a way to give a rhythm for a new lullaby.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

On Another Note:
I’ve heard a long time back that when one door closes at least another will open. From the way things are going I know, there is a door that opened but I have no idea where that door is. So there is a possibility everything I can knock on can be a door. When in past I encountered such situations what I did was make necessary adjuments or even make dramatic changes like moving from one country to another. Every time I did that I always left everything I had behind and kept only connections strong enough to withstand the test of my fate in the was expanding time. I have always forgiven, forgotten but this time. Nope.

About The Poem – The Orphaned Memory.

I met a very young girl online. She told me to write a poem about my impression of her. That’s where this started. However, I went in an entirely different direction after she told me about a real-life event of her which is in the poem. So read it well and enjoy.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Ali Karimiboroujeni on Unsplash

On Another Note:
Making changes is easy when you are single. So I am still enjoying the single life. I am not going to talk more about the changes. You will see.
Little Boss, I am not a cursing man anymore or my curses would have burnt you to ashes. I will never bless you, I will never forgive you. I will never forget you.

About The Poem – Mahidevran – Legend Of A Beauty.

The first installment of the poem Mahidevran – Legend Of A Beauty. I only touched water here with this one. But this will tell you what is to come. I am going to go far and wide in every possible way to bring this person who lived nearly 500 years ago.

This Poem And The Poems To Come Are All Dedicated To Mahidevran Hatun. The Mother of Shehzade Mustafa.

Here is the link to the Poem.

On Another Note:
Whew.. what a life? My life is an amazing piece of information I myself love to speak about. You have no idea what I have gone through. Disgraced, imprisoned, belittled, sidelined, abandoned, betrayed, aaaah, fate tried all up his sleeves to break me. My faith in Allah protects me and I will not wither my faith so nothing can break me.
Little Boss, don’t step outside of the realm of my forgiveness.

About The Poem – Drowning Dreams.

This poem basically is about the inability of a lover who lost his lover to get rid of all the dreams during the time of love. I gave the reality of the situation in the poem itself as it is not a very long poem one should get it or try to read it out loud and see if one can understand this better.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Konstantin Kopachinsky on Unsplash

On Another Note:
Crazy times bring insanity… but I am totally sane. After more than half a year of delays when I was about to start my store, my right-hand man fell badly ill. He is okay but still can’t do much work. So every setup to get the store started was done by my own hand. I started it. I am going to hold on to the comments there. So now you know the reason why poetry went into the back burner. A burner that always burns.
Little Boss… Oh boy, I should not be asking you this question again and again. What is it you want to know from my posts and poems? I know you come to my site. The frequency increased a bit after you got engaged. I think a long time back I said it doesn’t serve anyone any purpose if you remain mute. But I won’t say no don’t come to my site. You are always free to visit my site. If you want to really talk to me before you get married. Find this in the intersection of Capitol and Appleton. I will be there to answer.

About The Poem – My Silence.

If I am going to explain this poem it will take a couple of years of speaking. I went into a relationship mode for more than 3 and a half years. Then I went silent as the reality looks like a very bad dream. The poem mentions that very clearly. This is the situation when I took my phone and typed in a couple of sentences into my phone. This was worked on while on a break from the hectic life unfolding in front of me. Enjoy.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by alam kusuma on Unsplash

On Another Note:
WOW, wee Wow… Summer is really interesting… First of all, it is horribly hot. I hate hot weather, One of the reasons why I left India was that. Second, Nothing much changed in the last 8 or 9 months. I looked up and said.. people make babies in this time… this is the kinda time when astrologers in South India say “Dasa Sandhi” means a period of deadlock between two dasas… actually astrologically it is that kinda period for me. The Period or Dasa of Jupiter for me is ending and the next on the period or Dasa of Saturn is going to start in less than a year. So everything is going on a pace no one really knows… I said, “If life were supposed to be delivered on a platter to me.. that platter is made with thin air”. I cannot be wrong…. I learned it but I am not a snatcher of other’s happiness or life. I am a Sufi, I only take what I need. When something I need is not available, no matter how much pain it feels, I learned to erase that pain with smiles on my face. I think I just said how my attempt to earn the love of someone I love went.
Little Boss, Read the Notes above.

About The Poem – Inner Eyes Blind

How does one feel when all life is spent on one thought, and seen only one face in everything wonderful and heard only what needs to be heard and all united stands and kaboom all gone when love no longer is yours? Yup, that’s the thought that triggered this poem. The very last line was taken from one of my older poems called “Reading Poems” as is. Enjoy.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Mariah Krafft on Unsplash

On Another Note:
The greatest achievement of life is when one attains a level of freedom from everything and then yearns to bind it all together with love, for love, and by love. It is not easy, but it will happen once in a lifetime and one better be ready at ease to deal with it. Every human has the right to dream and work to fulfill those dreams that’s the fundamental freedom. It is a lifelong event and I am at the beginning of it.

Little Boss, I recently watched the episodes of T.V series in Turkish called Çalıkuşu (means Lovebird spoken as Jalikusu) it is a romantic show about an orphan girl. I have seen the actor who acted in it from another show and this show has better subtitles. In a nutshell, Lovebird and her cousin (Muslims are allowed to marry cousins) are in love from a very younger age they go through many hardships to keep loving and get married. There is a point at which Lovebird declines to say yes to the proposal due to some serious family politics. Right after that the guy, a doctor goes through a spiral of weird acts, He goes and waits near her school dorm, goes and beats up a man who employes her as a private tutor for his daughter, slashes the tires of her bike, etc. Seeing all these I said.. “daang I am a very decent man, I never even went to any of the chain stores my Little Boss worked for months until I was very sure in which store she works, to avoid any confrontation that will make her feel uneasy. I never even mentioned her name in my writings. I was still called a stalker (LMAO)”… in the show, Lovebird still agrees to marry him. Maybe the doctor got six pack abs and value in the society. hehehe, I laid back and sat and said again, “I will never bother her with my love as the flames of my love I will pray to keep eternally.” I took a sigh and continued… “Little Boss is not Lovebird she is my Lady Mac” I laughed and said again “Lady Mac sounds better than Little Boss”.