The Unknown Dangers Of Office Kindness.

We all enjoy the snacks brought to the office by people celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, and new arrivals. Of course, it is good to be kind to your fellow workers and share your happiness. However, it has gone to such an extent that sharing joy and kindness literally kills your fellow workers. Read this you will get a better idea of what I am talking about.

Office Cake Culture

Rings Of Quaoar

An illustration showing the frigid distant world Quaoar, orbiting in our solar system beyond Pluto, surrounded by its newly discovered ring, along with its moon Weywot. ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO/Handout via REUTERS

The small distant world called Quaoar, named after a god of creation in Native American mythology, is producing some surprises for astronomers as it orbits beyond Pluto in the frigid outer reaches of our solar system.

Researchers said on Wednesday they have detected a ring encircling Quaoar akin to the one around the planet Saturn. But the one around Quaoar defies the current understanding of where such rings can form – located much further away from it than current scientific understanding would allow.

Read The Rest Of The Story Here.

The Key To Russian Defeat In Kherson

The remains of the Ninel Hotel, a hotel taken over by Russian security officials that was hit by the Ukrainian military on October 5, are seen in downtown Kherson, Ukraine November 17, 2022. REUTERS/Jonathan Landay/File Photo

Ukrainian intelligence wanted confirmation last autumn that officers of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) overseeing the occupation of Kherson were staying in a small hotel on a back street of the southern port city.

The task was assigned to Dollar: the code name for a civilian who had been secretly providing targeting coordinates and information on enemy operations in Kherson and the surrounding region, the operative said.

Reuters held extensive interviews with Dollar and two other members of the underground partisan network in Kherson after the city was captured in early November.

Their separate accounts provide a rare window into how information and sabotage operations were coordinated with Ukrainian intelligence services behind enemy lines, operations that are still ongoing elsewhere in Ukraine.

While Reuters could not corroborate the specific events they described, two U.S. officials said that such operations by an underground of intelligence operatives, ex-soldiers and amateurs helped hasten Russia’s withdrawal from Kherson – one of the biggest setbacks for the Kremlin in a war that marks its first anniversary on Feb. 24.

Dollar, who declined to give his name for security reasons, said he began driving by the Hotel Ninel – Lenin spelled backwards – with his wife, a fellow operative who is part of the network and uses the code name Kosatka, Ukrainian for killer whale.

The gun-toting security men they regularly saw outside the hotel convinced the couple that FSB officers were staying inside; Dollar said he texted his observations to his handler at the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

Ukraine’s SBU and Russia’s FSB did not respond to requests for comment on Dollar’s account or other partisan operations. The defense ministry also did not respond to requests for comment.

Before dawn on Oct. 5, a huge explosion ripped through the hotel, according to Ukrainian media reports and regional lawmaker Serhii Khlan, who wrote on Facebook that two FSB officers and seven Russian military officials died.

“I received an SMS (text) that said, ‘Have a look and see how the Hotel Ninel is doing,'” recalled Dollar, who took Reuters to view the shattered hulk. “I went over and reported back: ‘There is no more Hotel Ninel.'”

Reuters was unable to review the text message. Dollar and other partisans say they regularly deleted their chats and social media for security reasons.

Dollar and Kosatka received decorations from Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov inscribed with thanks for “cooperating with the armed forces,” according to a photograph seen by Reuters dated Dec. 1 in which the inscriptions are visible. Mart and Kolia, the other two members of their four-person cell, were also decorated by Reznikov, Dollar said.

Asked about resistance operations in occupied territory, an official from Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) said “the local population is supportive,” declining to provide details of specific activities.

Operations to target Russian security personnel and disrupt their plans are continuing across swathes of eastern and southern Ukraine held by Russia and its allies, according to several Ukrainian and Russian-installed officials as well as members of the Kherson partisan cell.

The Institute for the Study of War also says Ukrainian partisan warfare is being waged in Melitopol, Tokmak and Mariupol in the south and Donetsk and Svatove in the east.

Serhiy Haidai, the exiled governor of the eastern Luhansk province which has been under Russian control since last June, said partisans there were conducting sabotage operations there and attacks on suspected Russian collaborators.

In an interview on Jan. 23, he credited partisans with a recent attack on a railway line that Russia’s military was using to transport troops and equipment. He declined to provide further details for security reasons and Reuters could not independently confirm partisan involvement in the attacks.

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About The Poem – Love Filled Winter Days.

This is a poem I wrote with the thought of how people become kind and gentle when they are in love. Most of life we live with many hardships and unstable environments around us. In all honesty, one can let go of these things, if one thinks and act more kindly toward others. I needed to bring some real romantic touches to the poem. So I used three different models to write this. None of them agreed to use their images.

Here is the link to the Poem.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

On Another Note:
It is better to come to a grinding halt at times. Yeah, I love that. Life will throw all sorts of tantrums at you when you try that. People will protest, cry, get terribly angry, and at times they may even act violently at you. They are all influenced by the devil more than anything else. Life must be lived to smile in pleasantness not scream out loud in ecstasy. At the end of the day when you get in bed leave all your thoughts and sleep. Love thy neighbor was an old law. Love yourself better than anyone else is the hardest part.

About The Poem – Love Me Out Of My Misery

I was talking to a model about almost nothing and she told me to open up and tell her the realities in front of me. Then I said… misery I wonder who can get anyone out of misery. The response was amazing…. Love.. I got the phrase I was looking for from her. That was the trigger of the poem. I put two romantic events in the shortest possible way in this poem. Enjoy.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

On Another Note:
Life goes in ways one cannot predict. When things are on the downturn let it fall than try to resist. When it started I said… here it comes and now enjoying the ride down in the roller coaster. The best part is… I am the only one smiling I can hear the screams of many who thinks they are on the upward ride.

Someone once told me “I will always be your darling” ahahaha she couldn’t even inform me that she got married. But at that time I remembered this…
When Allah created everything and finished the creation of all after writing the fate of all what Allah wrote last was this “My mercy overpowers my anger”.

About The Poem – Undead.

When connections of hearts grow stronger at times the knots break and at that time people try hard to erase the connection itself. Most of the time it is only one side that erases the other side lives a life of the undead through dreadful times of suffering emotions that at times manifest into physical pains. However, pain, suffering, and faded dreams will not erase love. Love will take a life in itself and remain undead.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Roman Melnychuk on Unsplash

On Another Note:
I once wrote, “When failures outnumber success” when that became a reality recently in every context. But from 1999 after I wrote those words in a poem, many failures in the years passed taught me to survive failures. It also taught me to take responsibility for my actions and ignore or discard the stupidity of others. You may be wondering what the hell I am talking about…. you will know soon.

About The Poem – The Wedding Gown.

The idea of this poem popped up in my head after I heard about a wedding and I wrote the first four lines in late springtime. I left the idea in my mind to evolve and step by step I came to finish this poem without cursing anyone including myself. This is about someone making some bad decisions in their life in choosing their life partner. She decided to cover all her feelings with worldly dreams than follow the truth of her heart.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by mulugeta wolde on Unsplash

On Another Note:
Life goes through cycles and the best part of it all is the unpredictability of what cycle is coming at you. I have always analyzed events and looked into the past to see how things will unfold with new faces and new places. This time, everything is new and that tells me there are faces and places I should leave behind and move on. After all, how much life remains is yet another unknown, I may even live for another 150 years… who knows. For the time being, I am just relaxing watching some fantastic Turkish Dramas, and selling Vapes and Smokes.


I watched this entire series. I started watching this series because I have seen the actors in it in other series. Devrim Ozkan is an amazing actress whom I have seen in the series Vetanim Sensin as Hawa. The very first time she was shown was among a crowd and I said, “The lady got a star appeal” and she sure is a star. Kadir Dogulu is the lead actor whom I have seen in Kosem Sultan. This series has some mystical touch with the game Satranc-i Urefa. This series is worth watching for anyone as it speaks a lot about life events. Great acting, a fantastic plot, and wonderful bits of advice about life in general. This site has a lot of popups so having a good popup blocker will help a lot and of course, the subtitles are in English. In the coming days I will give more Dramas I watched all through summer.