Today’s Highlights

Today was a day filled with baseball as I got to watch the Milwaukee Brewers play the Miami Marlins, and thankfully the Brewers won! The atmosphere at the stadium was incredible, and I was able to meet so many different people. There was a family with two kids who were particularly happy to see me, and there were also lots of strangers who came together to help each other during the game. Overall, It was a day full of excitement and camaraderie.

Recent Developments

Poetry writing is a passion and I am so close to the goals that will take me to a different heights in writing better and freely..

Here are some images

“A Problem” Of The Good Kind

When Caitlin Clark was drafted by Indiana Fever, I thought, they may not be ready for her. After seeing the first three games of her playing. I truly believe the coach and the team should make serious changes to accommodate the great talent of a player like Caitlin Clark. I just haven’t seen that happening on the field. It takes a decade to build a talent like that of Caitlin Clark and she probably has a decade of great playing time ahead of her. If Fever cannot handle her maybe Caitlin Clark should look elsewhere, where the team is more accommodative in their adaption to a great player like her.

Indiana Fever Coach Calls Caitlin Clark A “Problem” After Third Straight Loss (

The Broken Paths

The Poem comes from an idea someone told me online. The girl who told me this idea has a very close friend and she had serious issues with her boyfriend, broke up with him, and kicked him out of their home. At that time to comfort that girl my friend wrote a passage in Russian. She later sent me that passage which I translated and wrote a poem with it.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

The LonelyPoet is an establishment. Even if one goes silent another will take the flame and keep going on. Though started as an expression of an individual, nearly 26 years later, the phenomenon is slowly spreading beyond all borders. Said that, I was tight lipped for a while. and now comes some wonderful thoughts well forged in my mind. Wait for me to unleash the magic flame I kept deep in my mind for so long.

A Tear Filled Prayer

This Poem is written out of a real-life experience of waking up way before sunrise and praying. You know the good souls like us we pray for everyone. Not just other good souls, we pray for the bad and evil ones too.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Hello, my readers, subscribers, and the rest of the fantastic world. Don’t worry, I am still around. Eight months passed since I posted anything on LonelyPoet.Com. I just didn’t write. I blocked myself out of writing. The environment was not favorable. The job is not acceptable. Yes, I can list another 25000 more reasons for not writing. I shrank my life to just work and home. I haven’t been to even a movie. Because of that nothing much to elaborate on that side. I don’t live in Wisconsin anymore. If you ask me, did you move? I will say, the Poet, even though not physically, was born in Wisconsin. I can never leave that place. However, when life asks me to do certain things, it is better to step out of my comfort zone and do the best I can. That’s what I am doing. I will write more and post more.
Mahidevran that’s the direction I am going now.

Coming Back To Myself

When you close your eyes and you see more than what you see in real, then you know the so-called real is part of a bigger illusion that blinds us. But the moment one closes the eyes one will see a reality which we all call fantasy. After nearly 54 years of life, I can say, that the world indeed is a wonderful blessing from Allah. You may call God by another name but I can only speak about my belief and I will not thrust my belief upon others. Despite all the darkness, nastiness, cruelty, betrayal, and evil that goes around, I see and understand, all that we see is an illusion given to us as a blessing. It is an absolute submission to the will of Allah, and constant evasiveness from the devil during the passage of us through this magnificent illusion. I may scribble a lot which is nothing compared to the time that was given to me. The ones who at some point in time who all may benefit from all these will one day smile. That day maybe today, or centuries later. One smile, just that one smile, will bring me back to myself. That’s the reality.

Photo by Ali Pazani on Unsplash

The Dance Of Evil

Tragedy Of Brutality

The Israelites and Palestinians have been fighting for thousands of years and now that fight is happening with utmost brutality right when people like us who love peace, prosperity, and equality for all.
How it all started is something we all know. How the latest round of violence started is a mystery for many as they totally ignored the step-by-step approach of evil. Yes, I said it right, evil, pure, unadulterated evil. I am not blaming one side for allowing evil to dance through them. Palestinians were ethnically cleansed, raped, tortured, murdered, and put into an open-air prison called Gaza by Israelis in the name of their security. This was happening in this era. People like me were shouting but in the hyper-celebration of stupidity our voices were drowned and the boisterous laughs of the devil echoed all around the horizon. It is not just me, even many celebrities were tarnished and were called anti-semitic by the media for speaking for Palestinians. Now, criticizing Israel has nothing to do with anti-semitism at all. Just because anti-semitic people out there criticize Israel doesn’t mean all who criticize Israel are anti-semitic. One should know, that all Arabs are Semites too. I have no problem with Jews or Judaism. My problem is with people who are killing.
Let us look at the other side, after years of oppression, yes, a group of violent Palestinians went on a rampage and killed hundreds of civilians. In no way can anyone accept this behavior. No matter what oppression one has gone through, it is not an excuse to become the hands of evil.
Right now more than 3600 children have been killed in massive bombing and ground forces attack by Israel in Palestine, instead of stopping this in the first place. The Biden administration has resorted to historical stupidity and pledged all support to the extremist regime in Israel. No one with any common sense will allow this level of brutality against any creation on Earth. I will urge everyone out there not to vote for Biden or any of his supporters. I will not vote in the next election at all.
What can be the solution to this catastrophe? Two states, an independent Palestine with the 1967 borders and an Independent Israel. The slogan of ‘sea to river’ or the other way around will not work for both Palestinians and Israelis. We have to intervene and make this happen. Work with other Arab nations and of course Iran to make this happen. Or we are going to see evil dancing again and again upon the graves of innocence.

Watch This Video You Understand The Terrible Brutality of This War.