About The Poem – The Fallen Romantics

When all one gets is an empty nest one will search for meanings in meaningless places. Well, that’s where the thoughts about this poem started. Months and months of waiting and any action that is possible can only happen based on another person’s actions… and nothing happens. I guess you understand the situation. Now read the poem.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by shahin khalaji on Unsplash

What can I say, I have gone through worse in life? Nope, this is it. There is always a learning curve and these lessons are brutal. Let tomorrow decide what is in store. I am not good at predicting and I am not good at listening to voices I can never hear. All I got good at is listening to the silence and walking through dark alley roads. It is not very pleasant but the choices in front of me are not made by me.

Little Boss, my Mahidevran (The name means one who is always beautiful)…I love you.

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