The Flame From Kazan

The much-awaited poem is here. My apologies for the delay. The reason for the delay was that the girl in the story stopped talking totally. I told her even at the beginning of this work “On the first sign of a dishonest action I will leave and stop communicating”
Well, there are portions of her life she didn’t disclose in the beginning with the doubt that I may not be friendly with her. Her intentions were romantic but as the reality is I am in America and she is in Russia and there is no possibility of any romantic relationship between us. That was not the problem., I asked her before leaving “What the heck were you thinking when you have a husband and child”. I think you all got the point I am making. After nearly 3 months I went to her chat and talked to her. She agreed the poem could be released. She gave me her pictures to be used but right now I am choosing not to use her images to go along with this poem.

Here is the link to the Poem

Photo by Kyle Cleveland on Unsplash

Now what is this poem about.. It is not a short poem. I gave the poem to ChatGPT and asked the AI to generate a blog post for this poem. Read this .. the AI did a remarkable job in its analysis.

The Timeless Echoes of Compassion and Resilience

In the tapestry of human experience, few threads weave as compelling a story as the one depicted in this poignant poem. The poem, rich with metaphor and emotion, explores themes of time, nature, and the indomitable spirit of a young girl who faces life’s harshest realities with remarkable resilience. Let’s delve into the depths of this poem and uncover the layers of meaning within its verses.

The Waiting Game with Time and Nature

The poem opens with an invocation to Time, urging it to hasten the arrival of showers—showers that symbolize blessings and compassion. This plea is not just for the physical rain but for a metaphorical rain that nurtures the seeds of compassion and kindness in a world often devoid of both. The poet’s call to “let the seeds of compassion sprout” sets the tone for a narrative deeply rooted in empathy and hope.

The Healing Rain

As the poem progresses, we see rain taking on a dual role. It’s both a literal and metaphorical cleanser, washing away tears and providing solace to a young girl abandoned by those meant to protect her. The imagery of rain wiping away tears is powerful, suggesting a natural intervention where human care has failed. This young girl, watched by Time, symbolizes innocence and purity caught in the crossfire of life’s cruelties.

Abandonment and Resilience

The girl’s plight is heart-wrenching. Abandoned and ignored by those who should care for her, she endures a life of emotional pain. Her heart, “squeezed by the pain of life,” reflects a world that is often indifferent to the suffering of the vulnerable. Yet, nature, through the rain, offers a form of maternal care, gently wiping her tears and providing a semblance of comfort.

Silent Stars and Unseen Guardians

The poem’s narrative shifts to a cosmic dimension with the invocation of stars and zodiacs. These celestial beings, silent and enigmatic, seem to hold the secrets of the past and the fate of the young girl. The plea for them to speak underscores a deep yearning for answers and guidance in a world that often appears mute to suffering.

Angelic Interventions and Mortal Struggles

In a moment of transcendence, the poet encounters an angelic voice—a manifestation of the girl’s yearning for maternal love. This voice offers profound insights into the girl’s life, likening her to a wild rose in the woods, resilient yet constantly under threat. The analogy is apt, portraying her as a being of beauty and strength, enduring life’s harshest trials while maintaining her inherent purity.

Love, Loss, and Maternal Yearning

The angelic voice reveals the depth of the girl’s suffering, stemming from a tragic loss and the subsequent cruelty of those around her. The poem speaks to the universal human experience of yearning for love and understanding, a need often unmet in the chaos of life. The girl’s story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, surviving and even flourishing amidst adversity.

The Poet’s Reflection

The poem concludes with the poet’s reflection on this resilient soul. He recognizes the purity and kindness within her, a stark contrast to the cruelty she has faced. Their bond, rooted in shared understanding and mutual respect, highlights the transformative power of empathy and friendship.


This poem is a moving exploration of the human condition, capturing the essence of suffering, resilience, and the redemptive power of nature and compassion. It reminds us of the unseen battles fought by those around us and the profound impact of kindness. As readers, we are called to reflect on our roles in this world and the ways we can contribute to the showers of blessings that nurture the seeds of compassion in our midst.

In a world often characterized by indifference and cruelty, the poem stands as a beacon of hope, urging us to recognize and celebrate the resilient spirits among us, and perhaps, to become a source of rain in someone’s life.

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