Ingredients for life on Earth came from space

The carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu is seen from a distance of about 12 miles (20 km) during the Japanese Space Agency’s Hayabusa2 mission on June 30, 2018. JAXA, University of Tokyo, Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Meiji University, University of Aizu and AIST/Handout via REUTERS

There has always been a fascination with the possibility of life beyond Earth. The search for extraterrestrial life has been ongoing for centuries, and scientists have explored various avenues to find it. One of the avenues that have recently come under the spotlight is asteroids. These space rocks, which are mostly leftovers from the formation of the solar system, contain a wealth of information about the origins of life. They contain ingredients that could have played a crucial role in the development of life on Earth, and it is possible that humans may have origins outside of Earth.

Asteroids are rich in organic compounds, which are the building blocks of life. These compounds include amino acids, nucleotides, and sugars. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are essential for life. Nucleotides form the building blocks of DNA and RNA, which are the molecules responsible for storing genetic information. Sugars form the backbone of carbohydrates, which play a crucial role in energy storage and metabolism.

The presence of these organic compounds in asteroids suggests that they were present in the early solar system. It is believed that asteroids formed from the same cloud of gas and dust that gave rise to the sun and the planets. As such, they provide a window into the conditions that existed in the early solar system. Studying asteroids can help scientists understand how the organic compounds that are essential for life were formed and how they may have been transported to Earth.

The idea that humans may have origins outside of Earth is not a new one. It is known as panspermia, and it suggests that life on Earth may have originated from elsewhere in the universe. The theory suggests that microorganisms could have hitched a ride on asteroids or comets and landed on Earth. Once on Earth, these microorganisms could have evolved into the complex life forms that exist today.

Scientists have found evidence to support the panspermia theory. For example, a meteorite that landed in Australia in 1969 contained organic compounds that are essential for life. More recently, researchers have found evidence of bacteria living on the exterior of the International Space Station, which suggests that bacteria can survive in the harsh conditions of space.

In conclusion, asteroids contain a wealth of information about the origins of life. The organic compounds found on asteroids suggest that they were present in the early solar system and could have played a role in the development of life on Earth. The possibility that humans may have origins outside of Earth is an exciting one, and scientists are continuing to explore this avenue in the search for extraterrestrial life.

Here Read The Report In Full.

R.I.P Mr.Fosbury

This man was a true revolutionary. He invented the famous back flip in the high jump which is now standard all around the globe. He will be remembered until the end of times. He passed away at the age of 76. May he rest in peace.

Here read about his life.

To Be Precise

Earlier today I woke up and thought I will trim the beard and took the trimmer and started trimming the beard and saw more hair falling down…
I asked “What size attachment I am using” and looked …
then I said
“To be precise … not using any attachment at all”
But I kept the mustache… now hope springtime will help me grow my beard back

1964: ARTHUR C CLARKE predicts the future

A Must watch video for present-day folks to watch. In 1964, Arthur Clarke made a prediction about what the future would look like. He had listed down all the technological advancements that he thought would exist in the present day and what all things humanity would achieve down the road. However, his failure was in predicting how cruel humanity could become. Only religious prophets had made such predictions, and surprisingly, they all had come true.
However, what Arthur Clarke failed to see was the dark side of humanity. He didn’t take into account how we would use technology to harm each other, how we would become more intolerant of each other’s beliefs, and how we would become less tolerant of each other’s differences.
Religious prophets, on the other hand, had predicted all of this. They had warned us of the consequences of our actions, the impact of our decisions, and the importance of compassion and kindness towards each other. They had foreseen the rise of extremism and the increase in natural disasters, and all of it had come true.
It’s important to recognize that we are capable of both good and bad, and it’s up to us to choose which path we want to take. We must use technology for the betterment of humanity, not for our own selfish gains. We must learn to respect each other’s beliefs, cultures, and differences and work towards building a more tolerant and peaceful world.
In conclusion, Arthur Clarke from 1964 may have been right about some things, but he had failed to see the bigger picture. It’s essential to acknowledge the warnings of our religious prophets and work towards creating a better future for ourselves and the generations to come. Let’s strive towards a world where technology is used for good, and humanity is at the forefront of all our decision-making processes.

Life Before The Internet

This is a very interesting video looking into the past … a past in which I was born, lived and survived the transitions … from the radio world to the T.V world, then to the computer world, and then to the world wide web. Now we are on the verge of another transition … a step into the machine intelligence that many big-time corporate frauds call AI or Artificial Intelligence.

Prayers Are Needed

I hope you all remember the Physics Girl from YouTube. She is seriously sick with Long Covid and she needs all the support she can get. Please do all you can to help her and her family get through these tough days.

Watch this video this will tell you what’s going on with her and how you can help.