Trump or DeSantis? Neither, say Ukrainian-American voters angry at war stance

It is an awesome title. This is something people in America as a whole should think about. Neither Traitor Terror Master Trump nor Corrupt to the Core DeSantis. America is the land of the free and home of the brave. The problem with the conservatives is they don’t understand what exactly it means to be free. They are bound to some invisible ropes of religious and economic stupidity. This very stupidity is was politicians like Traitor Terror Master Trump or Corrupt to the Core DeSantis. I am not a liberal but if voting I will be forced to vote for someone who is from the last millennium. I would like to see a young and modern-idea-filled Democrat rise against this onslaught of political stupidity fueled by religious zealots and greedy corporations.

Here is the Link to the article that speaks about the Ukrainian-American viewpoints.

The Tragic Tale Of How NASA’s X-34 Space Planes Ended Up Rotting In Someone’s Backyard

The X-34 program aimed to help break NASA and the Air Force into space far more frequently and inexpensively than ever before. In the end, a pair of rocket plane demonstrators were built, but they never were able to reach their full potential. Still, they were part of a wider family of initiatives that have resulted in the Air Force’s hugely successful X-37B mini-space plane that has remained in orbit near continuously for years. But after the shine on the program quickly faded around the turn of the Millennium, the unique craft found themselves in increasingly dire straits, stuffed in one dilapidated hangar or another, or weathering the harsh desert climate in the open. 

Read The Whole Story Here

Maryam (AS)

These scenes were taken from I believe a Turkish series about Maryam (AS) the mother of Isa (AS) who is known to the world as Jesus. This is what is told in the Quran about the divine conception. Watch the whole of it before asking questions.

Salat al Badriyya

Salat al-Badriyya is a poem composed by Indonesian scholar and poet Shaykh Ali Mansur Siddiq Bashaiban X (d. 1391/1971) in praise of the Prophet ﷺ and the companions martyred in the Battle of Badr. It is commonly known as Sholawat Badar in Indonesia where it holds a very special status. It is usually referred to as “Salatullah Salamullah” in other parts of the world.

I have looked for a perfect translation of this part of the great poem. I ended up taking some from the translation and merging it with another translation. This is made into a song so I am only giving the first two lines which Sharifah Khasif is performing amazingly in Bosnia Herzegovina in the video.

May the blessings of Allah, may the peace of Allah be upon Ta-Ha, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ
May the blessings of Allah, may the peace of Allah be upon Yasin, the beloved of Allah ﷺ

We seek intercession through the name of Allah, and by the Perfected Guide, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ
And all who strive in the way of Allah, Through your love of the people of Badr, O Allah!

Oh my Lord! Keep your people free from hardship and adversity From fear and sorrow and anxiety through your love of the people of Badr ya Allah

Here is the full poem and an almost perfect translation of the poem it also has a recital of the full poem in Arabic. as MP3 there.

Here is another performance version of the same poem

Here is the audio only and all male performance of Salatullah Salamullah

The following is a translation of the full Arabic Text … I don’t know Arabic so I used ChatGPT to translate it.

“We sought through the name of Allah and through the guide, the Messenger of Allah. And every striving soul for the sake of Allah, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

O my God, safeguard the Ummah from afflictions and calamities, And from worries and grief, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

O my God, rescue us and remove all distress, Deceive the schemes of the enemy, and be kind to the people of Badr, O Allah.

O my God, relieve the sorrows of the sinners and the afflicted, And every trial, epidemic, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

How many mercies have been received, and how many humiliations have been repelled, And how many blessings have been attained, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

And how many people have You enriched, and how many people have You favored, And how many burdens have You relieved, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

Indeed, the heart has become constricted by the vastness of the earth, So relieve us from the difficult calamity, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

We have come seeking kindness, and the greatness of goodness and happiness, So extend the blessings upon us, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

Do not hesitate with disappointment, but rather make us virtuous, O Possessor of honor and majesty, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

And if you hesitate, then who shall we turn to, O Gatherer of supplications, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

O my God, forgive us and honor us, Grant us our requests, and ward off harm from us, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

O my God, You are the One with kindness, favor, and compassion, And how many distresses You banish, with the people of Badr, O Allah.

And send blessings upon the righteous Prophet, without counting or limit, And upon the noble family, descendants of noble lineage, with the people of Badr, O Allah.”

Please note that this translation is a general understanding of the text and may not capture the full depth of its meaning.

About The Poem: Unleash

I took some lines from an old blog and started this poem. It is about finding ways out of the failures of life.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

On Another Note:
I haven’t written a personal blog here for a while now. Well, not a lot going on around. Ramadan was special, felt really sad when the month was over. Now all that I felt deep in my soul is giving me peace and tranquility. There is a world out there that is intoxicated in outrageous rampage. The LonelyPoet is finding it hard to maintain his loneliness and independence. I will write more when space unfolds in time.

About the Poem – A Chat With Life.

When I first posted this poem on LonelyPoet.Com on January 27th 2009 there was a blog post along with this poem. When you go to the poem you will see that blog post. The following is ChatGPT’s analysis and blog post about this poem.

The poem “A Chat With Life” is a reflection on the experiences of the speaker and their relationship with life itself. The poem begins with a vivid description of a storm, setting a tone of chaos and uncertainty. The speaker reflects on the past, acknowledging that they have nothing to offer but tears to those who love them for who they are.

As the speaker looks back at their life, they see it as a monster merged with fate and crooked faces. However, they refuse to succumb to the wrath of fate and instead choose to wrap their life as a cloak to protect themselves and their loved ones. They urge life to bring them light and to fade away the forces that bring harm to others.

The speaker then turns their attention to a wonderful soul and the feeling of love that comes from the depths of their own soul. They declare their love for this person and state that they do not need life to give them sight because their love for this person is enough to light up their world. They ask life to cling to them, promising to be the best worker, faithful, loyal, and lover.

The poem is filled with vivid imagery and emotion, highlighting the struggles and challenges that the speaker has faced. The storm and flash flood are used as a metaphor for the difficulties that life brings. However, the speaker’s determination to protect their loved ones and their belief in the power of love provide a ray of hope amidst the chaos.

The poem’s message is one of resilience and the power of love to conquer all obstacles. Despite the struggles, the speaker chooses to focus on the light that love brings and vows to be the best lover they can be. The poem reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

About The Poem – To Regain A Calm State Of Mind.About The Poem –

The poem “To Regain A Calm State Of Mind” speaks to the universal human experience of searching for inner peace and the struggle to find it in the midst of life’s challenges. The author acknowledges the pitfalls of seeking validation from others and the danger of losing oneself in the process.

The poem highlights the importance of living a simple life, unburdened by the need for constant validation and the value of finding like-minded souls. The pursuit of happiness lies in the peace we can cultivate within ourselves, through shared dreams, caring actions, and supportive relationships.

The author acknowledges the mistakes they have made in the past and the negative consequences of depression, addiction, and insecurity. But they also recognize the positive side that is often missed, the opportunity to learn, grow, and find inner bliss. They share their personal experience of writing and sharing their thoughts as a saving grace, a place to escape and find their own pace.

The poem emphasizes the power of forgiveness, both for oneself and others, as the first step towards regaining a calm state of mind. The author speaks to the transformative nature of forgiveness, which leads to meaningful thoughts, renewed purpose, and a new reason to breathe.

The poem challenges our limited understanding of the world and the importance of looking beyond our five senses. The author speaks to the transformative power of inner purity, which brings peace and innocence to our lives.

In conclusion, “To Regain A Calm State Of Mind” is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-awareness, forgiveness, and cultivating inner peace. The author speaks to the universal human experience of struggling to find meaning and purpose in life and the transformative power of forgiveness and inner purity. The poem encourages us to find our own path to peace and to never give up on the journey towards a calm state of mind.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

About The Poem – Tragedy Of An Apology.

The poem “Tragedy Of An Apology” explores the complexities of apologies and the misunderstandings that often come with them. The poem suggests that an apology is a step-by-step process that requires sincerity and effort to make amends, but it is often misinterpreted as a trap to catch our friends. The author notes that flesh and blood humans stumble and falter along the way, but they try their best to make things right.

However, the wild and wicked world is quick to judge and label the ones apologizing as the ones in the wrong, not right. The author laments that this misunderstanding can be a fatal blow to a romance, as one may fail to see and feel the effort put forth in the apology. Instead, they conspire and choose to enhance the idea that the one apologizing is of no worth.

The poem then emphasizes that a heartfelt apology is not just a sentence, but a promise to change and a willingness to work on the problem, day and night. It calls on us not to be quick to judge or dismiss those who try to make things right, as an apology is a long and strong bridge that leads to a love-filled future full of light.

The final stanza of the poem takes a personal turn as the author reflects on their own experience with apologies. The speaker laments how their own imperfect words or thoughts or heart’s desires may have caused pain to someone else, or how their regrets may have led them down a path of folly. The speaker seems to suggest that apologies are not just for others, but also for ourselves, as they can help us acknowledge our mistakes and make amends for them.

In conclusion, “Tragedy Of An Apology” is a thought-provoking poem that explores the complexities of apologies and the misunderstandings that often accompany them. The author emphasizes the importance of sincerity, effort, and a willingness to change when making amends, and calls on us to be more understanding and forgiving of those who apologize. The poem also reminds us that apologies are not just for others, but also for ourselves, as they can help us learn from our mistakes and grow as individuals.

Here is the Link to the Poem.

Photo by Teslariu Mihai on Unsplash