Men were forced to enlist in the fight against Germany and Japan during the Second World War. Women decided to take on jobs in utilities, transportation, and manufacturing to fill the void that they left in the job market! Almost 2 million women worked in plants and on assembly lines to make armaments and machine pieces for the war effort. The number of working women at the time jumped from 27 percent to 37 percent! These women were just as valuable to the war effort as the men were.

After the Second World War, Europe was in shambles no matter which side they fought for. Poland experienced a lot of devastation as well. The country used to boast gorgeous structures, but many of them were destroyed to bits. Survivors wanted to go back to their old life, but it was not easy to do so. Photographers tried to help the citizens regain some semblance of normalcy and pretended that nothing had happened. They did so with the help of backdrops like this one! It is amazing to see the contrast.

This photo of Leo Tolstoy was taken two years before he passed away. At the time, he had been writing about his approaching demise and talked. He also talked about how he found love to be the most important thing. The writer passed away from pneumonia at the age of 82. Russian peasants took to the streets during the funeral procession even though the police tried to shoo them. “Love is life. Everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love. Everything is united by it alone. Love is God, and to die means that I, a particle of love, shall return to the general and eternal source,” he said.

In only a matter of five years, Grace Kelly went from zero to hero. Once she became a famous actress, she went to be a literal princess. Her father was a three-time Olympic gold medalist with his own construction company, while her mother was a cover model and champion swimmer. She decided to pave her own way as a model once she graduated from high school. She found it hard to get a big break even though she was gorgeous and intelligent. Luckily, things changed for her after she landed a role in Mogambo!